Wireless network for smart cities

ΜέσωWith the use of WiFi4EU, the European Commission wishes to ensure free Wi-Fi connectivity for citizens and visitors in public places, such as parks, squares, public buildings, libraries, health centers and museums, all over Europe.
The aim of the WiFi4EU program is to support the installation of modern Wi-Fi equipment in social life centers.
Η Crowdpolicy undertakes the network’s implementation as it has the successful “Social Wi-Fi” service, which fits perfectly into the EU’s Wifi4EU initiative and is a registered vendor in the Wifi4EU program.
15 Social Wi-Fi networks and over 21 WIFI4EU networks with more than 700 access points, have already been installed and operated in Greece. Additionally, more than 30 Municipalities have chosen Crowdpolicy as a technology provider for the implementation of the WiFi4EU initiative.
Ήδη λειτουργούν Functional WiFi4EU networks in:

Our solution!
All the municipalities that choose to implement the WiFi4EU program with us will receive:
- Installation of WiFi4EU wireless network according to the specifications of the WiFi4EU invitation in at least 30 outdoor or indoor points.
- the digital assistant for their municipality (gov bot start)free of charge.
- free publicity actions regarding the use of wireless networks and the gov bot e-government service.
- free electronic marketing services, questionnaires and activities of the Municipality.
- functional Social Wi-Fi for the city’s network participatory development, accompanied by the Municipality’s, companies’ and individuals’ involvement.
- Without any hidden costs or annual maintenance.