
Green School Athens Hackathon
Coming Up | March 2025The Green School Athens Hackathon is an open call for collaboration and creativity. It is aimed at middle and high school students, as well as the broader educational community, inviting them to propose ideas and solutions for applications and services that will support the participatory strategy of the Municipality in developing innovative solutions for improving daily life. #greenschoolathens #sustainabilityschool2025 New Submisssion Deadline at 31st March 2025

BoC Fintech Hackathon 5.0
Coming Up | October 2024Bank of Cyprus is organizing the BoC Fintech Hackathon 5.0 regarding the innovative technologies of the financial sector (Fintech) on 18-20 October 2024, which will take place in person at the IDEA Innovation Center. The goal of BoC Fintech Hackathon 5.0 is to create innovative solutions around Fintech, up to the stage of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) with the prospect of future development into full functional applications.

Open Day BoC Fintech Hackathon 5.0
Coming Up | September 2024With great pleasure, we invite you to the informational Open Day of BoC Fintech Hackathon 5.0, during which there will be a presentation of the objectives, thematic sections, and the process of the hackathon.
The Open Day will take place remotely using teleconferencing tools on Thursday, September 26th, 2024, at 17:00.
At the Open Day of BoC Fintech Hackathon 5.0, those interested in participating in the Innovation Marathon process, as well as those who have ideas, solutions, or wish to support the process as mentors, data providers, or communication sponsors, can participate.

Apps4Athens Hackathon
Coming Up | March 2024The Municipality of Athens announces the organization of the first Innovation Marathon focused on the digital transformation of Athens and cities, the Apps4Athens Hackathon, with the participation of citizens. The Apps4Athens Hackathon is an open call for collaboration with the innovation and entrepreneurship community of our country and is addressed to every citizen who has ideas and proposals for applications and services that will support the participatory strategy of the Municipality for the development of innovative solutions in important and critical sectors. The Marathon will take place on March 30th and 31st at the Serapeion of the Municipality of Athens.

BOC Fintech Hackathon 4.0
Crowdhackathons | October 2023Bank of Cyprus is organizing the BOC Fintech Hackathon 4.0 regarding the innovative technologies of the financial sector (Fintech) on 06-08 October 2023, which will take place in person at the IDEA Innovation Center.

City Innovation Talks 2023
Coming Up | September 2023📢 City Innovation Talks 2023, Ανοιχτή Εκδήλωση & Εργαστήριο για την ψηφιακή καινοτομία στις πόλεις μας! 📅 22 Σεπτεμβρίου 2023 στις 15:00 📍 Impact Hub Athens (Καραϊσκάκη 28, Αθήνα) Στόχος του City Innovation talks είναι η ανάδειξη καλών πρακτικών δήμων και επιχειρήσεων της χώρας μας και η ανάπτυξη δημιουργικής συζήτησης για την αξιοποίηση ψηφιακών εργαλείων και καινοτομιών που έχουν στόχο τη βελτίωση της ποιότητας ζωής στις πόλεις μας, την τοπική ανάπτυξη, την προστασία του περιβάλλοντος, τη συμμετοχικότητα και τη βιωσιμότητα.

Open Day BOC Fintech Hackathon 4.0 #remote
Coming Up | September 2023With great pleasure, we invite you to the informational Open Day of BOC Fintech Hackathon 4.0, during which there will be a presentation of the objectives, thematic sections, and the process of the hackathon.
The Open Day will take place remotely using teleconferencing tools on Thursday, September 21st, 2023, at 17:00.

Smart Sterea Hackathon
Coming Up | June 2023The Smart Sterea Hackathon is an initiative of the Region of Central Greece with the aim of creating original applications and presenting innovative ideas for society, economy, local development and digital transformation. Smart Sterea Hackathon will take place on June 30 – July 2, hybridly, with a physical presence at Municipal Art Gallery “Dimitrios Mitaras” in Chalkida and remotely with videoconferencing tools.

Social Hackathon
Crowdhackathons | May 2023Social Hackathon is the third open innovation activity with the aim of community activation of society and businesses to create original applications that contribute through technology and digitization to the goals of social innovation and entrepreneurship. The Social Hackathon will be held hybridly in Athens at 12-14 May 2023

Open Day Social Hackthon #remote
Open Days | April 2023It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the informative Open Day of the Social Hackathon, in which the objectives, thematic sections and the process of the innovation marathon will be presented. The Open Day will be held remotely using video conferencing tools on Thursday, April 27, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. The Social Hackathon Open Day is open to those interested in participating in the Innovation Marathon process as well as those who have ideas, solutions to propose or wish to support the process as mentors, data providers or communication sponsors.