Crowdpolicy has implemented the interactive platform, which hosts e-consultations and digital services as part of the “Breaking Stereotypes” project.

Building Strong Local Alliances for the Removal of Stereotypes

The aim of the “BREAK” project is to break the existing social stereotypes and perceptions that prevent Roma from accessing the labor market by developing and evaluating the impact of a multi-participatory methodology. Through the promotion of positive examples of Roma, i.e. members of communities that have managed to access education and employment, as well as awareness-raising actions to inform, educate and mobilise all stakeholders at local level, the “BREAK Project” aims to create local alliances promoting the integration of Roma communities into the labor market on equal terms.

The Roma are one of the most vulnerable social groups in Greece, with unemployment rates reaching 100% in some areas. The exclusion of the Roma from the labor market results from their low educational level, their inadequate or limited access to education, and the influence of stereotypes. Stereotypes are related to the forming of a “constructed” perception about the identity features as well as the educational and professional capabilities of the members of Roma communities.

Groups – Objectives

Objectives of the Project

The “Breaking Stereotypes” project objectives are as follows:

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