The  NBG i-bank #fintech crowdhackathon was successfully held on 23-24 April 2016. It is the first hackathon on financial transactions #fintech, a field that becomes increasingly interesting at global level, that has taken place in Greece. It was organized by Crowdpolicy ( and it was supported by the National Bank of Greece (, as well as other sponsors and supporters.

16 groups in total participated in the NBG i-bank #fintech crowdhackathon on topics in the broader field of financial transactions, such as chatbots, e-wallets, detection of malicious transactions, contracts based on blockchain, crowdfunding functions, mobile  transactions through QR codes, social banking, supporting communities with special needs etc.

In addition to the  NBG i-bank #fintech crowdhackathon, the  Be Finnovative ! workshop was held, during which presentations regarding financial transactions on the fields of  donation and investment crowdfunding, mobile banking, chatbots, bitcoin και blockchains etc. took place.

Crowdpolicy supports the implentation, design, mentoring and capitalization process.

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