Solutions for Municipalities
Crowdpolicy has developed a well rounded strategic proposal for the local government.
All services and platforms entailed in the suite provide a fully-featured approach for enhancing citizens’ engagement and improving their quality of life.
We provide Municipalities with:
- Digital information systems for the organization of operational issues of Municipalities and the promotion of participatory decision-making, open data, donation management, crowdfunding, consultations, recording of citizens’ problems and proposals etc
- Consultative services for the organization of the development plan of the Municipality’s projects with the participation of citizens in the design, implementation and evaluation of actions and projects, using digital participatory systems
The main goals of our approach are as follows:
1. Reduction of bureaucracy and improvement of citizens’ daily transactions.
2. Advanced digital services operation.
3. Development of Actions for local progress and employment.
4. Urban Regeneration.
5. Effective communication / interaction (dissemination) regarding the Municipality’s projects.
6. Engagement and feedback by the citizens.
7. Development of funding opportunities offered by the E.U. and / or other resources.
8. Innovation at a local and European level.
9. Fight against unemployment, support of entrepreneurship and skill development.

Digital transformation- Ε-Government
E – Government portal
The main goal of the portal is the integrated information of the citizen or visitor on all issues related to the city or region that are considered useful or within their field of interest. The portal will incorporate in a unified environment, advanced e-Government applications to ensure transparency, citizen care and the promotion of new business plans.

City Agent
A platform through which citizens can state in real time from their computer or smartphone possible issues they spot in their area or municipality (eg. poor work – potholes, cleaning issues, damage of public property etc) or make recommendations about public zone.

Chat Bot
The chatbot can satisfy organizations, citizens, corporations and anyone seeking assistance or further information that has to do with the municipality, depending on the content that is chosen to be included. The above run in an integrated environment with a natural language, already installed in smartphones (Facebook Messenger).

The purpose of the service is the electronic payoff towards the municipality in order to avoid inconvenience and delay on the one hand, and increase collectability on the other. In the course of crowd payments, the citizens are offered the chance to pay off the whole of their financial duties such as Council taxes, tickets for illegal parking, etc.
Open, Participatory Municipality
Crowd Participation
The participation platform enables the city, municipality or the broader region to organize and realize a public participation over their actions, combining assessment and prioritization. It addresses both the executives of the municipality and the citizens. The city promotes and boosts the participation and conformation of issues together with the residents of the city and various organizations. The platform is based on innovative participatory technologies (Crowdapps) which encourage the active participation of the citizens and collaborative bodies on a local level.

Post – it
The main characteristic of the platform is the immediate and simple way to collect ideas and suggestions for the municipality, in a way familiar to all age groups. The sense of immediate submission of “IDEAS” by the citizens for the changes they wish to witness in their region is realised in a way outside the box, and at the same time effortlessly and interactively. The public has the feeling that they can participate in the reforming and decision making of the municipality (gamification).

Crowdfunding platform promotes the collaborative donation and active support of the municipality by private investors and other organizations, projecting in public the data of the offers. The platform offers the opportunity to monitor the actions performed by the municipality, for the support and funding of its operations. Open invitations for the support of projects in reference to culture, infrastructure, and civil society are published through the platform.

Crowdbudget platform constitutes an electronic service with the aim to shape the budget of a public party or organization through the participation of the citizens. The party presents the suggested deliverable actions and invites the citizens to state their preference by voting their favourite project. The platform has been designed in a way to be useful and easily adaptable to the private sector as well as in other EU countries.

City – Regio Plus
The platform aims to collect and highlight various Points of Interest and actions. Consequently, citizens, residents, visitors and corporations can be informed about the events of their interest.

The open data platform intends to combine the results and benefits that will arise out of services of added value, will strengthen the role of administration and citizens and enhance the economy. The decision making platform enables the ministrations to save files with the use of a database, to enter data and export files compatible with

Open Council
The Open council platform is a service which gives the citizens the chance to record various issues and keep track of their voting in the city council. The service aims to activate the citizens and raise their awareness in the process of decision making of the local authorities. Additionally, the citizens pose questions to the members of the city council and then the topics are answered and voted by the appropriate people.

City projects promotion
The platform projects@map is a contemporary geographical and informative system managing and depicting the actions carried out by the Municipality. All the technical projects (general reconstruction, road construction, pedestrianization, greenery, school buildings, sewage disposal, electric lighting, monuments, survey for buildings placement, seasonal projects etc), and the actions (social, economical, educational, cultural, touristic, business oriented) of the Municipality, accompanied by the relevant data of progress, are illustrated on the platform making reference to geographical and other informative details.

Procedures simplification – Effectiveness
Crowd Procurement
The platform Crowd Procurement forms a useful tool for the appropriate organization and automation of the Purchasing Department of a body. Additionally, it promotes the more effective realization of the purchases with online Market Research and allows the publicity of the budget in real time. The simplification of the procedures is achieved through interoperability with third-party systems of public authorities such as the programme “ΔΙΑΥΓΕΙΑ” and “ΚΗΜΔΗΣ”.

Open Budget
Open budget platform is a digital tool used to present budget in real time, by being connected to the accounting and informative system of a public organization or the local authority. As a review tool for the exhibition of revenues and expenditure of the body that utilizes the platform, Open Budget aims at the transparency towards the citizens.

WiFi access – Smart city
Social WiFi
The platform addresses to municipalities and local authorities. Its main goal is the creation of a community that can be sustained and expanded by the citizens themselves (community building). The technology used allows the easy and immediate expansion of the net towards any direction, with a simple set up and power point installation of a junction lying in a close distance radius of reception of the net. The cost of the junction is low and is installed with easily without the need of any adjustments.

City Dashboard
In City dashboard, the unified metrics of a public party are cited. The party can provide the financial data, the expenditure, the revenue and inform the citizens about its planning. Each citizen has access to the expenditure, revenue, distribution of resources, programmes, the various projects development and further categories providing information relevant to the organization.
Entrepreneurship – Innovation
City Labs
City labs constitute a contemporary service aiming to promote and boost local development. They can have a physical or digital status with the aim to interlink the cities promoting creative and innovative solutions in order to boost the implementation of the actions. Productive economy and national development will be supported through sustainable development on a local level.
The platform supports the waste management aiming to depict points of environmental interest as well as form a digital community which will allow the citizens/ visitors/tourists and local businesses to post and interact on environmental issues. The citizens may report in real time through their computer or mobile phone, possible matters detected in the public space.