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Applied innovation services
Why Open Innovation
Εach organization has different conditions, its own goals and very comparative advantages, and, of course, it has to design and implement its own “path” of innovation. At Crowdpolicy we believe that whatever this “path” is, innovation nowadays is by definition and largely open. This means contact with relevant developments, a willingness to explore, a culture that supports experimentation, a relevant program and infrastructure, as well as participation in networks and innovation initiatives that concern us. What we hear today about innovation is nothing but the tip of the iceberg, as behind technological advances there is an international ecosystem of people and organizations that have adopted advanced anthropocentric, flexible, methodological and design practices and the creation of new products and services. Together we will discuss where you think you are on your own “path”, where you want to go and how you want to achieve it. In addition to technologies, we work together to see innovative practices, methodologies and toolboxes that affect or will affect the functioning of your body.
At the heart of innovation is, as always, the people, the ideas and the ways in which they work together to create.
Open Innovation by Crowdpolicy Presentation
Lead partners - Open innovation clients
Let's Cooperate
Our Approach
Creating and strengthening thematic ecosystems of business innovation (such as fintech, agrotech, civictech, insurtech, martech, IoT, health etc.).

Creation of workshops (citylabs for Municipalities) or Innolabs (for companies) with the object of ideation and teams development.
Application of lean product development methodologies for product and service development, agile and scrum for development of new software products and services.

Application of lean startup methodologies to strengthen new teams, new businesses, startups and social enterprises.
Development of social economy models.

Develop MVPs for teams, startups, businesses and MakeyourMVP organizations.
Organizing thematic innovation competition Crowdhackathons.

Design, support and operation of accelerators and structures for the maturation of groups and ideas.
Crowd Process Support.